
Data Enthusiast with CPG experience

My name is Antonio Herrera, but I generally go by @keanrawr on the internet. I’m an actuary by formal traning by La Salle University in Mexico City. Since my last semesters in school I decided to focus my carrer on data science, I really love math and statistics, it was a no brainer to go start a carrer in data.

I’m fluent in both R and python, I was taught multivariate statistics with R in school, but professionally I’ve written code mainly in python. Most of my side-projects are written with R, just because I really enjoy writing R in general. My experience has been mainly on:

  1. Sales forecasts
  2. Recommender systems
  3. Customer satisfaction analytics
  4. People analytics

If you want to get in contact with me, you can DM me on my twitter or message me via linkedin. I love talking about data.

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